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#Nelson Bostock Unlimited
Should Business and Politics Mix?

It’s official, high-drama-election-fever has begun… For the next two weeks, the general election is going to carry on being the biggest thing in the news. It’s’ already drowned out other big business stories. Did you hear about the AI Summit in South Korea? Huge Ticketmaster hack? No? Anyone? The truth is that most mainstream news,…

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The Cost of Being Dull

All Beige Everywhere  Well-meaning attempts to optimise marketing has created a wave of mediocre content. Marketing materials – from copy to designs and concepts – now often take on a cookie-cutter look and feel. This approach naturally nudges everything towards the middle ground, stripping away most elements of character and creativity.  Throw in the rise…

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Welcome to Breaking B2B Boundaries

B2B marketing has often been overshadowed by its B2C counterpart.

We’re directly challenging this perception with our exciting new thought leadership series, Breaking B2B Boundaries.

We will be cutting through the ordinary and exploring new frontiers in business innovation. It’s time to transform industry norms and steer your business toward exciting new horizons.

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Winning Minds Awards: March 2024

Welcome back from the Easter break! Before the long weekend, we celebrated this past month’s best work… PR Minds – Matt J “Matt has been so impressive over the past month, really stepping up on his account and wowing the clients. He’s been a machine, taking a reviews programme and running with it, securing new…

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Our Soho home & LGBTQ+ history

At the end of 2023, we moved our offices back into the centre of Soho, the undisputed heart of London’s LGBTQ+ scene. As February is LGBTQ+ History Month, our DE&I committee thought it was important to pay homage to the space where we are lucky enough to reside – and, in doing so, we discovered…

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Winning Minds Awards: February 2024

It’s time to celebrate this month’s standouts, who took Feb by storm with some incredible work to take home the prize. GOAT – Sarah and Vicky Sarah and Vicky make operations look easy. They are often having to herd centipedes to get diaries in order – you could liken it to glueing down ducks’ feet…

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Adopting AI in marketing? Agencies are the answer

As we move past the so-called GenAI ‘debate’, marketers are now tackling the next big question: how to adopt AI. They’re looking to bring AI into their marketing organisations, into their teams, augmented into their processes, and with an ultimate view to moving into AI-assisted effectiveness.  Agencies are a vital partner for brands on this…

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Roger Nelson: 28.04.1951 –  24.12.2023

Lucy Mayo, Board Director, Nelson Bostock Group: I was deeply saddened to learn that Roger Nelson, co-founder of Nelson Bostock Communications died on Christmas Eve 2023. I was lucky to start my PR career at Nelson Bostock, joining the ‘family’ in 1996 with Roger Nelson and Martin Bostock at the helm.  As the fourteenth member,…

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Winning Minds Awards: November 2023

Another month, another amazing performance from the brilliant B2B team!  This month, we’re celebrating top designers, and PR teams with impact. PR Minds – Kirby, Emily, Sophie and Caroline  “This team has been incredible in such a short space of time. Naturally, given the short timeframes, it was a bit of a scramble to the…

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What Wagatha Christie taught me about B2B PR

It’s probably fairly safe to assume that everyone’s heard of the so-called Wagatha Christie case by now. Unless, of course, you’ve been living under a rock. Or you have a far healthier relationship to reality TV than I do.  The 2019 drama, which began when Colleen Rooney outed her fellow-WAG Rebekah Vardy for selling her…

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