
My Metaverse Meeting

When I was invited to a meeting in the metaverse, my heart sank a little. Was it fear of the unknown or fighting the buzz and all-round obsession with the Metaverse? Who knows?

We do know that we must embrace the ‘Future of work’. Be that hybrid or fully remote. Let’s be honest, the likelihood of many of us ever coming back into the office five days a week is slim. And most of us are happy about that. So, it’s no surprise that the use of technology to bring us all virtually together – even if we are physically far apart – is being explored.

So back to the metaverse. What exactly is it? In summary, the “metaverse” describes a fully realised digital world that exists beyond the one in which we live. Impressive hey!? Well, perhaps it is not quite as “wow” as you think. The metaverse is not new at all. It actually just hit its 30th birthday. The word was first coined in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash, but then it was still just an idea. It came more into fruition just over a decade later in 2003 with the launch of Second Life.

So, if it’s been around for a while, why now are we seeing so much chatter?

Google is an excellent barometer of consumer sentiment and interest. I googled ‘Why is everyone…’ and it automatically suggested ‘Why is everyone talking about metaverse’. So, I guess everyone is asking the same question.

Anyway, back to my meeting.  I sat at my home office desk as normal and joined my metaverse meeting with my talented colleagues at Splendid UNLIMITED. Connecting on Horizon Workrooms, we talked all about the potential of this technology. Although still in beta phase, the Workrooms world truly showcased to me the opportunities to interact with people be those colleagues, clients, suppliers ‘in-person, from home’. Then we left the virtual office and played some metaverse mini golf!

Now, don’t get me wrong it felt very strange to be sitting at my desk wearing a headset. But really… what is normal anymore? The metaverse has the potential to unlock some truly incredible opportunities. It is admittedly early days – headsets are still pricey and supplying an entire workforce with them might be a pipedream – but competition, innovation and time will help.

Many big-name brands are already onboard. Microsoft is positioning its products for better business collaboration in the metaverse, McDonald’s recently filed several trademark applications (including one for a virtual restaurant that would deliver to an actual home!), and just last week at Mobile World Congress HTC unveiled its ‘Viverse’ vision of the metaverse.

My view is that any innovation which brings people together is brilliant and must be explored and embraced. In the modern-day, where most of us are working flexibly, communication channels that allow us to collaborate in fun ways should be championed.

My Metaverse meeting was memorable for all the right reasons. I’m excited to see how the technology develops and the creativity it inspires.

So, drop me a line, let’s meet up in the Metaverse… and play some mini golf!


What you need to know about communicating your sustainability credentials

Think you’re ready to promote your sustainability credentials? Truly understanding your audience is a vital starting point.

Check out this 3 minute summary of research which reveals the three society attitudes towards sustainability and what they mean for your comms strategy.

Get in touch with us if you’d like to hear more about what audience attitudes to sustainability mean for comms. Or read the full research from our Human Understanding Lab here.


Why are we seeing tech brands enter the automotive space?

Through 2022 we can expect to see a range of new automotive brands coming to the UK, from Nio to Byton to Rivian. While many of these are either electric brands from established automotive manufacturers or start-ups, perhaps the most interesting new entrant to the car market is Sony, which earlier this year unveiled its second EV and just last week announced a partnership with Honda to form a new company to design and sell electric vehicles together. In our latest episode of Mobility Bytes – a PR & Communications perspective on the mobility sector – we explore this latest trend and what it means for both tech and automotive brands.


Sustainable Sessions: Episode 1

There’s a growing recognition that the technology sector is responsible for mountains of e-waste and the consumption of energy and natural resources. But the world is also expecting tech to be the source of innovation which can halt the crisis. In our first episode of Sustainable Sessions we look at what tech companies need to do to tackle the climate crisis.


Mobility Bytes: Episode 2

What are the barriers we need to overcome to achieve sustainable mobility? In episode two of Mobility Bytes our tech-experts discuss what it will take to encourage people out of their cars and on to more sustainable modes of transport. We all have a stake in the debate. Let us know your thoughts.


Is Credit Card’s Challenge BNPL’s Opportunity?

Amazon’s latest decision is bound to take shoppers by surprise. The company recently announced that it will no longer accept UK-issued Visa credit cards from January. Why? According to Amazon, the main driver was the high fees charged by Visa for processing payments, which increased drastically this year. 

Since then, fresh claims have also emerged from other retailers, including Levi’s, Superdry, and AllSaints, who are taking legal action to seek compensation for previous credit card fees which breach UK and EU competition laws. 

Merchants are finding their voice and it feels like the dominance of cards is now under threat. The recent boom in the payments sector offers new ways to pay, which will come in handy as Amazon’s decision comes into effect in the new year. Alternative options, like buy-now-pay-later (BNPL), are arguably much better suited to the rapidly-evolving retail sector. But, given the current rep of BNPL companies, how can they take the crown from credit cards? 

The end of credit card domination

Online retailers that offer BNPL services are already giving their customers a new way to pay using credit, which removes the issue of high transaction fees for merchants. So the idea of ditching credit cards altogether feels much more feasible than it did five years ago. 

So is the switch inevitable? As it stands, not quite. It’s hard to bring up BNPL and ignore the scepticism such as concerns over debt and consumer protection. The lack of regulation can raise some red flags, particularly for lending amongst young or vulnerable people. However, with the peak of the Christmas shopping season incoming, BNPL is taking centre stage. Amazon’s decision coming into play will only keep this momentum going. 

BNPL is taking the wheel

So, how can BNPL lenders lead this shift in payment preference? While the unregulated, interest-free loaning can be seen as a slippery slope, its bad rep can be easily overturned given the great potential of this new way to pay. Now is the time to be seen as the hero, not the villain. 

The challenge is a problem of trust. BNPL is facing scrutiny in the media and merchants could  see  the adoption of these services as a risk to their customers and their brand. With much of the BNPL messaging encouraging customers to delay payment, it is only natural that merchants won’t want to get caught up in stories about debt spiral. The BNPL industry has to work towards promoting healthy spending habits to build trust. Only once it’s earned its reputation as a responsible lender – driven by effective comms – will BNPL truly take the payment crown.


Meet Lydia and Ellie – our Winning Minds

Last month’s Winning Minds Award went to both Ellie Hattersley, an NBU stalwart, and the excellent Lydia Richmond who joined us just a few months ago. We sat down with them this week to find out more about their passions, motivations and why a career in PR.  

Why did you pick a career in PR and Communications? 

Lydia Richmond: For me, it comes down to being creative. Comms is incredibly broad and there are many opportunities to get your teeth stuck into – I can spend a day writing copy and the next devising a social media strategy. Very cliché but every day is different, which I love, and definitely keeps it interesting.  

Ellie Hattersley: I went travelling for two years after university and did lots of writing during that time. I tried my hand at everything from freelance travel journalism to copywriting about hardware components, to help subsidise my travel around Australia, SE Asia and Central America. The skills I learned weren’t all that different to what’s expected at a PR agency – communications, working to tight deadlines, balancing a varied workload – so when my friend told me about a job opening here, I decided to apply. And I’m glad I did! I’ve worked here over three years now and still learn so much every week – plus it’s super social, and there’s always a new challenge to sink your teeth into. I also know so much more about how the world works now thanks to the tech experience.   

What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? 

LR: Remember to breathe. Take a step back and think about what value you can bring to the conversation before turning into a key board warrior! 

EH: It’s PR not ER! Back when I was an Account Assistant, I’d have a mini crisis basically on a weekly basis worrying about something that was very inconsequential – now I’ve got a lot more perspective… 

Tell us a bit more about your interests – how would you spend an ideal Saturday afternoon?  

LR: I’d go for a really long walk, hopefully find a pub with a wood fire, and stay there all afternoon. Surrounded by friends and family and good food. 

EH: Probably doing something outdoors, ideally ending with good food and a pub. Even better if it’s somewhere outside the UK, which is much more feasible now restrictions have lifted a bit! 

And what are your hobbies? 

LR: I do triathlons – running, swimming and cycling. I also love open water swimming. I’m actually part of the same triathlon club that Alex Yee (GB silver medallist) came from, and we train at the velodrome in Herne Hill. Being active is important to me – NBU’s netball club was a big attraction!  

EH: Looooads of things – reading, cooking, playing football or netball (fellow Bostock Baller here), climbing, cycling, going to gigs. And going to the pub. Is that a hobby? 

 What’s one thing that people should know about you? 

LR: I’ve watched way too many episodes of the US Office. My lockdown binge watching basically just carried on into this year.    

EH: I’m a big nerd — I find so many things interesting. 

What’s one thing that would surprise people about you? 

LR: I’m a dedicated plant mum. 

EH: I have Grade 8 in piano… don’t often tell people because they always then want me to play something for them and I’ve forgotten it all! 

What makes you a Winning Mind? 

LR: I’m relatively new to NB so it’s incredible to see this culture of people always lifting each other up. I put my hand up a lot and people really notice and acknowledge you. People notice if you try. 

EH: Workaholism (just kidding). Probably commitment and always wanting to make sure what I’m delivering is right for that client. 

Any advice for future Winning Minds contenders? 

LR: Always remember that you’re part of a team, and lean into that!  

EH: There’s no set formula – every client’s needs are different. But I would say: don’t just do the same thing because it’s what we’ve done before. There’s always room to do something different or something better – change is a good thing! And Winning Minds doesn’t always have to be about what you do, it can be the attitude that you bring. Working in NB is all about not just working with brilliant people, it’s people you really enjoy being with. 


Does every business need a social purpose?

What has soap got to do with self-confidence? Or fizzy drinks got to do with the black rights movement? Almost every big brand today has begun campaigning to become associated with something beyond what they ‘do’. Whether it’s Skittles associating itself with Pride, or Starbucks with the refugee crisis, every big brand worth their salt now seems to have a social purpose. But why?

Woking up

Good marketing should always reflect the target audience, but traditionally businesses have tended to focus on how their product fulfils their customers’ needs or desires. Our product is thirst-quenching, or it will help you do something faster, or it’ll save you money.

Until now, that approach has been aligned with the values of our society. You want something? You have it! Cheaper, faster and shinier than ever before! As L’Oreal’s slogan goes, you’re worth it.

But something has been happening lately. Perhaps it was the sight of Australia literally on fire, or the cumulative outrage of another death by police brutality, or the global pandemic giving us a very real glimpse of death. Or all of them altogether. But it’s as if we collectively all had a long look at ourselves.

Climate destruction, racism, sexism and homophobia have been happening for a very long time, but in just the last couple of years, it’s like we all experienced a kind of moral awakening and decided that we really need to do something about it.

And something is happening with businesses too. Instead of competing on price, or features, or the quality of customer experience, brands are increasingly adopting another paradigm. Instead of saying to customers: we’ve got what you want, they’re saying, we’re aligned with your values. We are, ‘a bit of you’.

Have businesses simply undergone the same moral awakening? Are we seeing a new era of responsible businesses? Or is this simply a clumsy attempt to hitch onto the next ‘big thing’? Even worse, is it a way for big corporates who often exacerbate these issues, to exploit opportunities to make even more money.

What’s difficult about this question is that it’s often your customers who make a conclusion on your behalf, which is why it’s so important to get it right.

Nailing it vs getting nailed

In 2010, Dove launched its Be Real body confidence campaign. Today, it’s still lauded as one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever. There are a few things it did really well. Firstly, it was first. Dove was one of the leading brands to try this kind of social purpose campaign. But not everybody can win that race.

The second thing they did really well – in combination – is tuning in to something that their target audience felt very strongly about: that they were constantly being berated by society about how they look and sold products to make them meet draconian modern ideals.

The third and fourth thing were the most important though. Dove had a completely relevant stake in the market, because they sold ‘beauty’ and body products, so they could easily be seen as part of the problem. But also, their message ostensibly went in the face of the commercial agenda: We’re not going to neg you to get you to buy stuff, Dove said. And everywhere, women said, aww that’s nice, how refreshing.

Fast forward to 2017 and Pepsi launching their advert about Black Lives Matter, judged as one of the most unsuccessful social purpose campaigns ever. It didn’t just flop, it went down in flames, breathed by millions of infuriated consumers.

That advert looked like the work of the most ham-fisted, insincere marketing initiative. Surely – it seemed like Pepsi were saying – 1 Major Gen Z Insta Influencer (insert any) + This Popular Social Cause (insert any) + Our Product Placement = Instant Success?

Is it worth it?

Marketing Week recently posted an article from Byron Sharp, a marketing professor, suggesting that social purpose is a kind of by-product of a confidence crisis in marketers. That we feel like we have to elevate our work above selling product, to give ourselves a sense of pride in our work. His conclusion seems to be: We should just stick to what we do best – sell stuff and take pride in doing that well; stop wading into all this social purpose stuff.

But social purpose can be successful, it’s just probably not for everybody. Nor should it be, because not every brand can truly say that a social purpose comes naturally to their brand. And that’s really the bottom line: as Kantar says in its recent media trends report, “the raison d’être of brands like Patagonia, Veja and The Beauty Counter is intrinsic, whereas campaigns from other companies might be perceived as opportunistic or insincere.”

The challenge that many brands face, is that they become so big that they feel obliged to have a brand position on major global trends. In support of the Black Lives Matter, for example, Netflix tweeted: “to be silent is to be complicit”, summing up both the societal sentiment and the position that many of the world’s biggest companies are in.

However, most companies are not considered so big or so influential on our daily lives and culture, that their stance on all societal trends are relevant and necessary. For most brands, only certain domains will be of relevance.

While there is no winning formula, here are some considerations for every brand to consider:

  • Check yourself – Good intentions from a marketing team alone are not enough to ensure success; a social cause must be embodied by your whole organisation and seem natural to an outside audience. Before you consider a social purpose campaign, ask the question – what are our credentials for having a voice on this topic?
  • Be consistent – Much like a puppy isn’t just for Christmas, a social purpose isn’t just for Pride week. Nothing screams insincere like ringing up a campaigner once a year to see if you can grasp a share in their cultural capital; or whacking on the LGBT flag on your logo and nothing else. If you support a cause, go all in and make it your concern 365 days a year.
  • Be prepared for stick – Consumers don’t like brands wading into the things they care about, particularly when they don’t think you deserve to be there. Be prepared to be criticised and take a genuine interest in whether that criticism is merited. Be prepared to eat humble pie if you were wrong. 

“Christmas now, pay later”

Would you eat a turkey in December and pay for it in the New Year? With the rise of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), this is likely to be the first Christmas paid for by instalments!

2021 has been a phenomenal year for BNPL. It has accelerated into our lives faster than you might have imagined, and is set to make its mark this Christmas. In fact, 42% of US shoppers plan to use BNPL during the festive period, rising to 60% of Millennials – according to NB client GoCardless.

As fintech continues to innovate, it really doesn’t get much more exciting than BNPL. Just look at the stats. Brits will be spending close to £40bn a year by 2026 with BNPL (Juniper Research). Over half of the biggest fashion, baby and child, and homeware retailers offer at least one BNPL scheme, according to Which? While, from an industry perspective, Zilch has just become the fastest European fintech ever, according to Sifted

While the promises of BNPL are enormous, we can’t get carried away. Scare stories and stark warnings are everywhere. Regulation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is looming and will likely land in the next few years. The core comms challenge facing the market may be large, but not insurmountable. It is important to build credibility, familiarity and understanding. To act responsibly. Look after your customers and they will continue to trust you, retailers and ecommerce players will buy you; and regulators will (in time) treat you fairly.

BNPL is set to be the story of Christmas 2021; with more merchants offering flexible payments than ever before. This “Christmas now, pay later” moment is a great opportunity, not only for record sales, but to consolidate and grow the industry’s reputation. If BNPL players deliver a good, safe and responsible Christmas, we’ve hit another major milestone for innovation in payments. And that is the best gift of all.

Case studies News

Business travel: do we still need it?

Last week, one of our colleagues went to Lisbon, for a client event at WebSummit. Everyone was giddy. Abroad? On a plane?! It’s like you’re in Mad Men! We’ve spent so long inside our own houses that going abroad still seems wild, even more so if it’s for work.

After a year of broadcasted events and Teams calls, many organisations have found the transition surprisingly successful, despite being cut off from real-life interaction. With such good evidence, will business leaders be able to justify that business travel is needed to meet targets?

Meanwhile, it’s more than ROI we need to think about; more fundamental questions are at stake. Following COP26, the UK treasury has said that firms will now have to demonstrate their plans to achieve net zero when it comes to carbon emissions[1]. Given that plane travel is listed as the number one emissions offender, international travel has started to look like an elephant in the room.

So, do we really need to travel for business anymore?

Boom and bust

The key driver behind business travel is usually to allow in-person interaction. Face-to-face hobnobbing – whether it’s sales meetings, pitches, events or networking – have always been viewed as a crucial part of successful business; a not-so-secret component to how relationships have been forged, and deals struck.

The media world in particular has held a reputation for putting face-to-face relationship-building at the heart of the business model. As Absolutely Fabulous captured so well, this was typically done via long lunches curtesy of the company credit card.

Journalists and PRs alike lament the decline an era when businesses regularly flew cohorts of journalists (and accompanying PR execs) out on business-class, all-expenses-paid jaunts, all in the name of top tier coverage.

This is the hangover from a long period of boom where there seemed to be far less scrutiny than there is today over outgoings, expenses and ROI. Bill Bryson recalled working at The Times in the 1980s: “Overmanning and slack output were prodigious…To say that Fleet Street in the 1980s was out of control barely hints at the scale of the matters. The National Graphic Association, the printer’s union, decided how many people were needed on each paper (hundreds and hundreds)…Managements didn’t even know how many they employed. I have before me a headline from December 1985 saying: ‘Auditors find 300 extra printing staff at Telegraph’. That is to say, the Telegraph was paying salaries to 300 people who actually didn’t work there.”

This era of free-and-easy spending has long been in decline for a number of reasons. Firstly, there’s a lot less money sloshing around in the economy following the financial crash. Even before the pandemic, businesses and agencies needed to provide a robust business case for any expenditure like business travel and client entertainment.

Technology also played a part in the decline; it had begun to provide more creative ways to communicate with business contacts. Why travel to Birmingham for a customer meeting when you can video call? Why run an event in Spain when the whole thing can be broadcast online?

From an agency perspective, it’s become a lot harder to get journalists out of the office. Publishers are short staffed and struggling to get by; an afternoon out of the office needs to be worth it.

The new normal

2020 really expedited this trend. Global business travel expenses contracted by 52% in the face of lockdowns and ongoing restrictions. Yet, despite no face-to-face meetings or events taking place, the world continued to turn – we simply went online. So, in the aftermath of Covid-19, it’ll be harder than ever to justify expense to finance departments.

Meanwhile, many of us have got used to working from home, spending less time in the city and becoming less available – or indeed willing – to travel to meet others. People don’t want to do their old commute anymore, let alone haul themselves to another city for a coffee with a customer in the name of relationship maintenance. In fact, in a recent piece of research by McKinsey, only 15% of B2Bs expect in-person sales meetings to be the norm going forward.

But that doesn’t mean that it’s over. McKinsey finds that firms think that sales reps have more confidence in a hybrid approach which doesn’t always default to one way or the other: “83 percent of B2B leaders believe that omnichannel selling is a more successful way to prospect and secure new business than traditional, “face-to-face only” sales approaches.”

Considering sustainability

Beyond just budget cutting and cultural change, sustainability is another powerful argument against business travel. Sustainability has become front and centre of discussions about corporate responsibility over the last couple of years. It’s not really good enough to say you ‘recycle (where possible)’ anymore.

It’s not just that the government is going to be scrutinising businesses, but it’s customers too. The last few years have seen a huge surge in interest, concern and activism around the impact we’re having on the planet. People simply don’t like buying from, or working with anyone who looks like ‘the bad guys’ anymore, so a lot of big brands are under pressure to demonstrate that they don’t fall in that camp.

IRL connecting

So, if there are 101 reasons to quit business travel, why is this even a discussion? Why are agencies still encouraging PRs to take journalists and clients out? Why do over 90% of businesses still expect in-person sales meetings and customer events to return – at some level – by Q1 2022?

The truth is, not everything can be replicated through even the best video calls. IRL bonding has a hugely important role to play in business. As every agency worker can tell you, you can make more headway in bonding with your client from two hours in the pub, than you can make in two years of emails.

People simply don’t behave the same way when they’re presenting themselves on camera as they do when they’re really spending time with someone. For a start, people are less guarded, more likely to say something ‘off-script’ which can tell you a lot more about them.

But also, we shouldn’t try and get away from the fact that we’re not really logical creatures. A lot of our decisions (even big financial ones) are not really based on the facts, but a deeper ‘gut sense’ that comes from how we feel. And face-to-face interactions are important to creating those lasting attachments.

So, what does this mean for responsible businesses? Like all sensible strategies, it involves balance. The era of throwing the credit card at customer and client entertainment might be dead. That’s probably a good thing for companies’ financial outlook, as well as for reducing unnecessary carbon emissions. But that doesn’t mean we should wave goodbye to face-to-face. We’re not all robots yet and strategic relationship building is so important, but maybe those crucial bonding conversations can happen in a pub a tube ride away instead of on a golf course in California.